Vucht Museum Church

The church in Uikhoven is the first church in Maasmechelen with a new cultural purpose. One part of the church has been preserved for holding services, while the other part has been set up as a local history museum. The whole thing was renamed ‘Kijkkerk’ on 22 June 2018.

A kijkkerk (museum church) is a museum where not only church treasures are displayed, but also old objects and interesting stories are given a place. The exhibition highlights a number of local topics, such as the herbalist Pastor Goossens, the perils of the Maas River, the razor wire during the war, the first ferryman, the pumping station, and the festivals.


Visit Vilain Wine Castle

The wine estate, covering approximately 3 ha, belongs to the area with the Maasland Limburg Protected Designation of Origin. Approximately 10 white and red grape varieties grow in the vineyards, from which both wine and sparkling wine are made.

The price for a guided tour including tasting is €12.50. A covered wagon ride including tasting is also possible at a price of €20.00. The maximum number of participants per group is 20.


Eisden Garden District

The past is inextricably linked to the present in the Eisden Garden District. The Eisden coal mine was one of the seven mines of the Kempen coal basin. Hike 3.1 km through Eisden Garden District and immerse yourself in its rich mining past. You will discover the most beautifully preserved places. You’ll pass by the Museum of the Miner’s Home and the Children’s Museum, among other things, along this hike. Start your tour through the Garden District at Visit Maasmechelen and visit numerous hotspots.


Railway Brick Museum

Enter a LEGO paradise for just €5 per person. The first museum with LEGO bricks in Belgium. The museum is located in the old traditional bakery of Leut, and is divided into three parts. The first part is based on the history of more than 50 years of LEGO trains. You’ll see old trains built from LEGO bricks set in the landscapes of their time. The trains run through a variety of modern and fictional landscapes in the second part of the museum. From Harry Potter to a winter wonderland to an amusement park. You’ll see it all. The common thread remains trains. The last part of the museum changes four times a year. Anyone who thinks this museum is only to be observed would be wrong. There are special LEGO play tables and a treasure hunt through the museum for kids. Definitely worth a visit!


CC programme

The Maasmechelen Cultural Centre offers an extensive and varied programme. Do you like dance, music, words, lectures, or workshops? Both leading national and international performers grace the Maasmechelse stage. View the full programme on


Erfgoed app Leut

The rich history is still tangible and visible in the Maasmechelen Maas villages. Discover the rich history on a heritage hike with the help of the Erfgoed app.

The FARO (support centre for cultural heritage in Flanders) Erfgoed app is a free app that is used to unlock heritage in many museums and city centres. You can read short texts, scroll through old postcards, hear stories being told, or play films about the area. If you have the Erfgoed app installed, you will also receive a notification when you are in the vicinity of one of the described monuments.



In Eisden-Tuinwijk is het verleden onlosmakelijk verbonden met het heden. De steenkoolmijn van Eisden was één van de zeven mijnen van het Kempens steenkoolbekken. Wandel 3,1 km door Eisden-Tuinwijk en wordt ondergedompeld in het rijke mijnverleden. Je ontdekt de mooist bewaarde plekjes. Je passeert op deze wandeling onder andere het Museum van de Mijnwerkerswoning en het kindermuseum. Start je tocht door de tuinwijk aan Visit Maasmechelen en bezoek tal van hotspots. 


Railway Brick museum

Voor € 5 per persoon kom je terecht in een legoparadijs. Het eerste museum met Legosteentjes in België. Het museum is gelegen in de oude artisanale bakkerij van Leut en werd opgesplitst in drie delen. Het eerste deel is gebaseerd op de geschiedenis van meer dan 50 jaar Lego-treinen. Je ziet oude treinen in Lego gebouwd in de landschappen van hun tijd. In het tweede gedeelte van het museum rijden treinen door uiteenlopende moderne en fictieve landschappen. Van Harry Potter tot winterlandschap tot een pretpark. Het laatste deel van het museum verandert vier keer per jaar. Wie denkt dat er alleen maar gekeken kan worden in het museum heeft het mis. De kinderen zullen in de wolken zijn met de speciale lego speeltafels en de speurtocht doorheen het museum. Zeker een bezoekje waard! 


Programmatie CC

Het Cultureel Centrum van Maasmechelen biedt een uitgebreide en uiteenlopende programmatie aan. Hou jij van dans, muziek, woord, lezingen of workshops? Zowel nationale als internationale toppers strijken neer op het Maasmechelse podium. Bekijk de volledige programmatie via 

3 days of hiking in Maasmechelen Maasmechelen is without doubt a paradise for walkers. The region offers a variety of splendid natural surroundings, rich history, and breath-taking scenery. This blog outlines a three-day walking adventure, which allows yo

3 days of hiking in Maasmechelen Maasmechelen is without doubt a paradise for walkers. The region offers a variety of splendid natural surroundings, rich history, and breath-taking scenery. This blog outlines a three-day walking adventure, which allows yo

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