Maas Valley River Park Maas Valley River Park



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Cycling Cycling Hiking Hiking Easy on your way Easy on your way

To really explore the River Park Maasvallei across borders, you can use the bicycle and pedestrian ferries during a bike ride or a long walk. A trip with one of the charming ferries to the other side of the Maas immediately puts you in a holiday mood. This way you can make nice connections between the various Maas villages and nature reserves. There are four ferries in the RivierPark Maasvallei: one large ferry that is also accessible to car traffic and three bicycle and pedestrian ferries.


Is there a Ferry on your cycling or hiking route? Great! Just keep the openings hours in mind. 


Ferry Uikhoven (Maasmechelen, BE) - Geulle (NL): Jung II

Opening hours:

May, June and september: from 10:00 until 18:00
July  and august: from 10:00 until 19:00
Oktober and april: only weekends from 10:00 until 19:00
Price: Free
Cycling network: between cycling numbers 52 and 17


Ferry Meeswijk (Maasmechelen, BE) - Berg a/d Maas (NL): Haol euver II (car ferry)

Opening hours:

Open the entire year from 07:00 until 21:30 (from 16 june till 15 september open until 23:00).
Price: free for hikers and cyclists. Motorised vehicules are paying.
Cycling network: between cycling numbers 50 and 27


Ferry Ophoven (B) - Ohé en Laak (NL): President Willy Claes

Opening hours:

May, June and september: from 10:00 until 18:00
July  and august: from 10:00 until 19:00
Oktober and april: only weekends from 10:00 until 19:00
Price: Free
Cycling network: between cycling numbers 22 and 01


Ferry Rotem (BE) - Grevenbicht (NL: 't Veerke)

Opening hours:

May, June and september: from 10:00 until 18:00
July  and august: from 10:00 until 19:00
Oktober and april: only weekends from 10:00 until 19:00
Price: Free
Cycling network: between cycling numbers 49 and 19


For the most up-to-date information, please refer to our partner's website:

Easy on the road

All easy on your way

More easy on your way

Rent a bike
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Rent a bike

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