
Indoor Escaperoom

My MaasMoments

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Relaxation Relaxation Groups Groups Ontspannende mustdo's Ontspannende mustdo's Or do you prefer to stay in? Or do you prefer to stay in? Action & Adventure Action & Adventure

An escape room is an interactive game where a group of people are locked in a room. The participants must then escape from the room within 60 minutes by finding keys, codes, and clues and solving complex puzzles and riddles.

Ready for the challenge? Come with friends, family, fellow gamers, or for a team-building event, and discover the three different escape rooms, each with its own theme and riddles. Will you choose Prison Escape, Destruction of the Mafia, or the Bank Job?



Address: Pauwengraaf 62, 3630 Maasmechelen

T: +32 (0) 485 15 19 23

E: info@escaperoommaasmechelen.be

W: www.escaperoommaasmechelen.be

Easy on the road

Indoor Escaperoom
Pauwengraaf 62
3630 Maasmechelen
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