Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park
Maas Valley River Park Maas Valley River Park


Leut, De Wissen en The Kruinenpad

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Cycling Cycling Cycling routes Cycling routes Or do you prefer short & sweet? Or do you prefer short & sweet?

Not too long, not too short, but just right. This route of about 30 kilometres is perfect for the recreational or sporadic cyclist. The starting point of this route is the picturesque Maas village of Leut. The history of Leut is largely linked to the history of Vilain Castle, which dominates the village centre. A stately avenue connects the village square with the castle. It then takes you to Stokkem, De Wissen, the canal, and the Kruinenpad. The combination of culture and nature makes this route a pearl to explore even with the kids.

Easy on the road

Leut, De Wissen en The Kruinenpad
Visit Maasmechelen, Zetellaan 35
3630 Maasmechelen
+/- 2h
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