Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park

On the road with a guide

Ecotron behind the scenes

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Groups Groups On the road with a guide On the road with a guide

Are you curious about the story behind the Ecotron at Hasselt University? Then this is your unique chance! The Ranger will take you on a journey and introduce you to the secrets of this research facility.


The Ecotron is a unique, high-tech research facility where researchers from UHasselt study the effects of climate change on biodiversity. The Ecotron is part of the Field Research Centre, UHasselt’s scientific base for world-class research on biodiversity and climate in the Hoge Kempen National Park. The Ranger will explain why it is located in the National Park and what makes it so unique. You will learn about the research conducted here and why it is so important. In short, a visit well worth your time!

Practical Information

Period: The activity takes place all year round
Location: National Park Visitor Center - Terhills
Duration: 1.5 hours
Participants: max. 25 people per Ranger
Price: 70 euros per Ranger
Age: from 18 to 98 years


Info & Reservations


Easy on the road

Ecotron behind the scenes
All on the road with a guide

More on the road with a guide

Cité Golf
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Cité Golf

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