Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park



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Kids Kids Mustdo's with kids Mustdo's with kids Little MaasMonster to dos Little MaasMonster to dos

Have you heard of the B’Oscars?

This is the most prestigious prize for natural talent from the age of 7 in the Hoge Kempen National Park! Ree Witherspoon and Arnold Schwarzenever challenge you to put yourself in the shoes of a character who is very important to the national park.

You can win this prize by heading out onto the trail with the IZI.TRAVELL app and the special B’Oscar booklet.

The hikes vary from 3.5 to 5 km and are signposted. Can crack the code and receive your prize using the tips you collect along the way and the information you find in the booklet!


Where? :

Mechelse Heide gateway

Joseph Smeetslaan 280

3630 Maasmechelen

* You assume the role of a shepherd *

Terhills gateway, Zetellaan 54, 3630 Maasmechelen

* You assume the role of a miner *

(Also take a look at the Pietersheim, Kattevennen, Lieteberg, and As gateways.)


Price :

The booklets cost €2.50 and are available at the gateway and Visit Maasmechelen.



Contact :

Address:  Joseph Smeetslaan 280, 3630 Maasmechelen

OR Zetellaan 54, 3630 Maasmechelen

Leeftijd: Basisschool

Buggy- / rolstoeltoegankelijk: Buggytoegankelijk bij droog weer

Eten en drinken: Ja. National Park Visitor Center bij Terhills / Brasserie 't Salamanderke bij de Mechelse Heide.

Toiletten: ja, ook rolstoeltoegankelijk.

Afstand: 3,5 à 5 km

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Easy on the road

Joseph Smeetslaan 280
3630 Maasmechelen
+/- 2h
All mustdo's with kids

More mustdo's with kids

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Terhills Cablepark
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Action & adventure

Terhills Cablepark

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