Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park


Spider Walk

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The Spider Walk is a ‘Boekstappers’ walk. These are short walks featuring listening games or tasks  linked to a particular picture book. Ideal for a family outing. 


The story

It is party time at Farmer Sander’s barn. Up in the attic, the home of the Webster family, four little spiders have been born. They grow up, and go to spider school for the first time. Ragje very much wants to learn to spin her own web, but it just doesn’t work. She can’t manage to make a decent web. She is so upset about it that she gets sick. During a day at granny’s house, she discovers that grandpa had the same problem long ago, - and then the solution is surprisingly simple.


What can you expect?

A fun walk through the beautiful natural surroundings of Maasmechelen. Search for the 5 wooden statues. Find out what spider children have in their packed lunch. And learn to make a real spider’s web.



After the walk, you can purchase the picture book 'Mijn mooiste spinnenweb' from: Visit Maasmechelen or any bookshop.


Did you know there are as many as 5 ‘Boekstappers’ walks to find in the National Park? Discover them all here

Leeftijd: Basisschool

Prijs: €0

Buggy- / rolstoeltoegankelijk: Buggytoegankelijk bij droog weer (grotendeels bosgrond)

Eten en drinken: Café de Statie, gelegen aan de parking.

Toiletten: ja.

Afstand: 3,3 km

Easy on the road

Spider Walk
Spoorwegstraat 10
3630 Maasmechelen
Vanaf 4 jaar
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