Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park


Mechelse Heide – yellow loop

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This loop takes you through the heathlands reserve for 5.5 km. Heather as far as the eye can see. It’s in full bloom in August and September and you can enjoy a purple nature painting. But you can also enjoy the beauty and pure simplicity of nature in other seasons with a view of the former sand and gravel quarry.

One of the most beautiful picnic spots in Maasmechelen lies on the yellow trail through the heathlands.


Take the stairs upwards halfway along the trail. Enjoy a panoramic view of the heathland from the bench.

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Easy on the road

Mechelse Heide – yellow loop
Toegangspoort Mechelse Heide, Joseph Smeetslaan 280
3630 Maasmechelen

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