Action & adventure


My MaasMoments

Mijn MaasMomenten is de handige planningstool van de website Visit Maasmechelen. Zo maak je jouw uitstap naar Maasmechelen nog gemakkelijker. Duid jouw favoriete activiteiten, restaurants en overnachtingsmogelijkheden aan met het Mijn MaasMomenten label. Dit staat steeds aangegeven bij iedere pagina. 

Rechtsboven kan jij navigeren naar de Mijn MaasMomenten pagina. Bekijk welke activiteiten je selecteerde in een handige lijstweergave of op de kaart. Deel jouw MaasMomenten met vrienden of druk ze af. 

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Toevoegen aan My MaasMoments
Action & Adventure Action & Adventure Relaxation Relaxation Groups Groups Active MaasMust hikes Active MaasMust hikes Ontspannende mustdo's Ontspannende mustdo's Mustdo's with kids Mustdo's with kids Relaxing tours Relaxing tours Or do you prefer to push yourself harder? Or do you prefer to push yourself harder? Perhaps you like having both feet on the ground? Perhaps you like having both feet on the ground? Action & Adventure Action & Adventure

Enjoy a unique experience in the beautiful Maas Valley with your partner, family, friends, or colleagues!


Experience Tours

You choose the experience tour that suits you best. Adventurous or relaxing? Culture or nature? An active game or just a cozy time together? There are many options to choose from:

  1. Charming villages around the Maas
  2. The nature of RivierPark Maasvallei and National Park Hoge Kempen
  3. Castles along the Maas
  4. World War II in the Maas Valley
  5. The Maas at dusk
  6. A romantic evening in the nature of the Maas Valley

Explore the Maas Valley with ease

You will explore the Maas Valley on a unique electric scooter. This sturdy e-scooter takes you to the most beautiful places in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.


No need to worry about finding a charging station: the routes are carefully planned so that you can complete the entire journey with ease.


Customized experiences

E-adventure is happy to create a tailor-made experience tour for your family, friends, or group.


From €54.99 per person, if riding the e-scooter alone.


Driver's License

You need a B or A3/AM driver's license.


Age: Suitable for all ages. Drivers must be at least 18 years old.
Passengers from 8 years old can join.


Questions or special requests? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • Email:
    Phone: +32 468 156 918

"Een unieke beleving, niet zomaar scooterverhuur"

Ruben Baenens, zaakvoerder

Easy on the road

Kasteel van Leut, Dreef 148
3630 Maasmechelen
All active maasmust hikes

More active maasmust hikes

Cargo Karting
Toevoegen aan My MaasMoments
Action & adventure

Cargo Karting
