Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park

On the road with a guide

National Park in a nutshell

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Groups Groups On the road with a guide On the road with a guide

From one of the six gateways, a Ranger will take you on an exploration of the National Park and its surroundings. The Ranger guides you to the most beautiful spots and introduces you to the unique nature of the National Park.

Each gateway has its own theme, which is highlighted during the walk:

Kattevennen: The macrocosm is central here, with the observatory of the Europlanetarium.

Lieteberg: A visitor center focused on the microcosm of insects, featuring a bee breeding center, a butterfly greenhouse with local species, and an insect museum.

Station As: The oldest station in Limburg, which played a crucial role in coal mining and the region’s mining history.

Pietersheim: With its castle ruins and historic avenues, it offers a piece of history combined with a relaxing visit to the petting farm.

Mechelse Heide: The ideal starting point for hiking, allowing you to explore beautiful heath landscapes.

Terhills: Once a coal mining site, now a nature area with remains of its industrial past, whose story the Ranger will gladly share during the walk.

Practical Information

Period: The activity takes place all year round.

Location: All gateways.

Duration: 2 hours.

Distance: 5 km.

Participants: Maximum of 25 people per Ranger.

Price: €70 per Ranger.

Age: 6-96 years.

Easy on the road

National Park in a nutshell
All on the road with a guide

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