Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park

On the road with a guide

National Park in a bird's eye view

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Groups Groups On the road with a guide On the road with a guide

Cycling Tour for Active Nature Enthusiasts. There is no better way to explore the National Park than by bike. On this bird’s-eye tour, we follow a loop of 25, 30, or 35 km, depending on the starting point, along the most scenic routes of the cycling network. The Ranger will guide you through heathlands, forests, and valleys filled with unspoiled nature, offering breathtaking views over the Maas Valley while sharing insights about the region’s mining history. This tour is the perfect introduction to later discovering the hidden gems of the Hoge Kempen at your own pace.

Practical Information

Period: The activity takes place all year round

Target group: 14 to 96 years old

Distance: 25 - 35 km

Location: All entrance gates

Bike: Bring your own or rent one here

Duration: 3 hours

Participants: Maximum 16 per Ranger

Price: €70 per group


Info & Reservations:


Easy on the road

National Park in a bird's eye view
All on the road with a guide

More on the road with a guide

WW1 Hike
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On the road with a guide

WW1 Hike

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