Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park

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Communal swimming pool Prinsenpark

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The Prinsenpark swimming pool consists of a 25m pool (25 m x 12 m) and an instruction pool (12 m x 10 m). The depth of the 25m pool varies from 1.10 to 2.15m. 


In the instruction pool there is a swimming corner especially for toddlers with a slide and some colorful water sprayers. Depth: 25 cm. The remaining part of the instruction pool varies in depth from 50 cm to 80 cm. 


There is a slide with a length of 52m at the 25m pool. 


The swimming pool is easily accessible for people with a disability: adapted changing cabins, wheelchair, chair lift at the edge of the pool. Various swimming activities are offered such as swimming lessons, aqua jogging, senior swimming, women's swimming, track swimming, morning swimming, swimming for the disabled, …..


For opening hours: see website.

Easy on the road

Communal swimming pool Prinsenpark
ringlaan 400
3630 Maasmechelen
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