Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park

Elaisa Inspiration Center

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Relaxation Relaxation Groups Groups

At Elaisa Inspiration Center, we create a platform to offer you, as an entrepreneur, an inspiring setting for unique team bonding, meeting spaces, and much more. This setting is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.


Team Bonding

The Four Elements

Our authentic team bonding packages are based on experiencing the four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. Through a combination of outdoor and indoor activities, participants are guided to connect with these fundamental elements. Each experience is carefully aligned and aims to manifest creative potential through leadership qualities. 


By interacting with each element, participants gain insight into their characteristics and their role in the creative manifestation process. They develop an intuitive understanding that powerful materialization is only possible when each element, like a cog in a mechanism, is mastered within the circular creation process.


Business Events

Elaisa: A WIN-WIN asset for your business. Elaisa is an ideal location for organizing customized corporate events, meetings, or lectures. It is situated in the heart of the Hoge Kempen National Park, where the breathtaking natural surroundings act as a supportive catalyst for relaxation, clarity, and peace of mind. These are all essential ingredients for awakening, illuminating, and activating the creative potential that exists within each of us.


A WIN-WIN asset for your business thanks to:

  • The unique and stunning location.
  • The tranquil environment surrounded by nature.
  • The availability of diverse energetic spaces.
  • Our rich gastronomic offering of healthy dishes, carefully prepared by our catering team.
  • Our creative, out-of-the-box thinking team that helps professionally bring your ideas to life.
  • The many relaxation opportunities available at our center.

Easy on the road

Elaisa Inspiration Center
Terhills, Nationaal Parklaan 7
3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
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