Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park


Terhills Aqua Garden

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Relaxation Relaxation Kids Kids Ontspannende mustdo's Ontspannende mustdo's Mustdo's with kids Mustdo's with kids Want to get zen in the open air or on the water? Want to get zen in the open air or on the water? Little MaasMonster to dos Little MaasMonster to dos

Aqua Garden is the perfect place for relaxation. This small-scale swimming pool is laid out as a tropical river, so float along towards the ultimate holiday feeling. Have you always dreamed of swimming in a genuine infinity pool? Come and relax and take a dip in the panoramic outdoor swimming pool with superb views over the lake. There is a children’s pool for the youngest water enthusiasts (2 to 6 years) . Splashing fun guaranteed! Are you looking for a day trip brimming with holiday feeling? Book the “Rise & Shine” package. In this package, a delicious breakfast is combined with tropical splashing fun.

Book here  for your day of swimming fun at Aqua Garden.

Easy on the road

Terhills Aqua Garden
Nationaal Parklaan 1
3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
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