Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park


Terhills gateway – red trail

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Hiking Hiking Hikes Hikes Or do you prefer to push yourself harder? Or do you prefer to push yourself harder?

The red trail (loop) is perfect for those who like a longer hike starting from the Terhills gateway. It takes you on a 9.6 km hike. The trail offers the best of the Hoge Kempen National Park: inspiring views over the water, shady sections on winding paths through the forest, climbing to the top of the Terril, cosy picnic spots and resting places, the sounds of songbirds and perhaps even a few wild deer.


If you want, you can extend this trail by using the trail junctions. You can find all information on the trail junctions in the Hoge Kempen National Park on sale at Visit Maasmechelen, which is located near the Terhills gateway, where this hike starts.

De digitale weergave van de trail en het GPX-bestand vind je terug op Wandelen in Limburg.

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Easy on the road

Terhills gateway – red trail
Toegangspoort Terhills, Zetellaan 70
3630 Maasmechelen

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