De Karbonkel

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Eten & drinken

Located centrally, just fifty meters from Maasmechelen Village, at the entrance of the Euroscoop cinema complex and opposite the access to the Terhills walking area, is our dining and drinking establishment, De Karbonkel. We are the ideal resting point for visitors to the Hoge Kempen National Park and shoppers at Maasmechelen Village. Thanks to the presence of several cycling routes, we are also the perfect base for cyclists, including larger groups. Our large south-facing terrace with 160 seats is a welcome respite for cyclists, walkers, shoppers, and other life enthusiasts. The beautiful French garden of the Terhills hotel is just next to our terrace, and you can easily park your bike in the designated spot. Whether indoors or outdoors, you can enjoy peace and space. Whether it's for a coffee, a glass of wine, or one of our many beers, you can visit us from 12 p.m. during the winter months. During this period, we are closed on Thursdays. Starting in the spring, we are open 7 days a week from 11 a.m. Delicious salads, steak with fries, croques, sandwiches, traditional Flemish dishes, everything is homemade. The kitchen is continuously open. Be sure to try our homemade shrimp croquettes. Always welcome!

Easy on the road

De Karbonkel
Zetellaan 72
3630 Maasmechelen
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