Hoge Kempen National Park Hoge Kempen National Park


Erfgoedwandeling Eisden-Tuinwijk

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The garden district or “cité of Eisden, was constructed one hundred years ago to provide housing for miners and their families. This walk tells the story of this coal mine, its “cité” and its residents. The walk takes you on an interactive 5-km trek, and shows old photographs and images of life in the garden district.


Starting Point

‘Visit Maasmechelen’, Zetellaan 35, 3630 Maasmechelen. 
Sufficient free parking is available.


How to get started

1. Download the ‘ErfgoedApp’ from FARO in Itunes, Google Play Store or click on this link. You can do this at home beforehand, or by using the WiFi network at the starting point. Ask an employee of ‘Visit Maasmechelen’ for the free WiFi password.

2. In the app, search for 'wandeling Eisden Tuinwijk'.


Easy on the road

Erfgoedwandeling Eisden-Tuinwijk
Zetellaan 35
3630 Maasmechelen
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